
2009 issue 1


Other stories from this issue

Seeing the world, and helping others, through science

As a biologist who responds to emergencies for the Spanish Red Cross, Eva Turró has found her place in the humanitarian world, raising awareness about the life-saving link between health and hygiene in the wake of calamity.

Remembering the ‘old ways’

A project that links high-tech weather forecasting with traditional knowledge is being piloted in the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu in an effort to help people cope with climate change and disasters.

Movement voice heard in Paris climate talks

Movement voice heard in Paris climate talks After states taking part in the ‘COP 21’ climate talks in Paris in December 2015 adopted an agreement to reduce emissions and set specific targets for global temperature rises, the IFRC urged governments and partners to place communities most at risk from climate change at the centre of [...]