Volunteers inside some Mexican prisons not only save lives, they leave a ripple effect of compassion for others.
A section to showcase real and authentic stories produced entirely by Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers
Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan volunteer rides door-to-door to help TB patients recover and to stop a deadly disease
Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan sewing courses provide women like Bazargul a lifeline in tough times, made worse by the socioeconomic impacts of Covid-19
How women’s empowerment, cash programs, and resilience training are helping families in the coastal region of Bangladesh to prepare and rebuild their lives in the face of recurrent storms and floods.
Do you want to learn more about storytelling or train your Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers to
become storytellers?
Stories that move you, that make you smile, laugh, cry, learn. This is the heart of the new Movement StoryHub hosted by RCRC magazine. A space for unity, solidarity and a sense of belonging, where every month we present the best stories and most innovative digital content produced by our Movement around the world.
From Ebola to disasters, the Ugandan Red Cross is used to responding to a wide range of crises. In western Uganda, for example, the Red Cross has been helping a growing number of people displaced by catastrophic yearly mudslides and floods.
Data can save lives and humanitarian organizations are mobilizing to improve the way they collect and use it. But are they ready to handle the largely unregulated, ‘wild west’ of the global data market?
In 2018, Hassan Al Kontar was stranded in an airport for 7 months as his asylum claim was reviewed. Now, Hassan is once again in the news — this time for the ways he gives back to the country that took him in.
As of today, 50 countries have ratified a treaty that bans nuclear weapons, a significant milestone that adds momentum to the movement toward the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons.
Our goal is to connect you with powerful stories told by people around the world who are coping with enormous challenges due to natural disasters, climate change, health emergencies and conflict. We want to share what we learn from these stories so that — together — we can better understand the realities many people face and how we can all help them find solutions. We also hope to inspire you to engage and join with others — including the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement — in working to make life better for all people around the world.
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