Recipes for Resilience

Recipes for Resilience

Food brings us closer together. It connects us to our roots, to our family and our traditions. But climate change, economic upheaval, displacement or conflict are putting the nutrition and well-being of many communities at great risk. In this series we explore the foods we love, the people who cook them and the links between our favorite meals and the critical human challenges of our times.

Comfort after the storm

From ‘Hurricane Burgers’ to lobster wraps, Lovely Reckley serves traditional Bahamian comfort food with a twist as her restaurant helps a community recover from a deadly storm

Cookbook for resilience

Do you have a taste for innovative solutions that help people get through crisis, that provide comfort after a storm, or that offer a lifeline to those who might be otherwise left out? If so, you will love these four Recipes for Resilience, and the stories behind them.