vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_ Migration – Red Cross Red Crescent


‘I was afraid’

Migrants often have a lot to be afraid of as they struggle to get by in new surroundings: Arrest. Deportation. Violence. Theft. But building and maintaining trust is possible, say experts. They share their advice in this short, selfie-style video.

To trust, or not to trust?

That is a question many migrants must ask themselves every day as they navigate life on the move, or in new surroundings. A study from the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement sheds light on how to ensure migrants, including refugees, can trust those who are trying to help.

So close, yet so far

Clairet Mata is in a new country raising her son on her own. She says learning how to manage her feelings has been an important way of dealing with separation from her family.